“Danielle has the ability to rattle cages and speak the truths that others shirk away from.” Correne Wilke, Director Maven and Muse



The Word Magpie Series is an ongoing exploration inspired by my relationship and connection with particular words and their inherent powers. I am constantly trying to make sense of our shared human experience. I’m fascinated by the power of stories to collectively and individually shape, make and break us.

These clusters of words which wield the power to adjust our perspective, somehow giving us permission or creating seemingly impenetrable road blocks. Within this series I share my journey in understanding and unpacking the grip and power of narratives, stories and words.

I rifle through old journals to find scraps of evidence of how things have changed or what has stuck. I ruminate on internal discoveries; breakthroughs, breakdowns, insights or oversights. I am led by curiosity and a longing to connect.



Exploring concepts, through music and other pieces